
  • Minimum length: 10 characters
  • Both lowercase [a-z] and uppercase [A-Z]
    (at least one of each)
  • Digits [0-9]
    (at least one)
  • Special characters are allowed, at least one. Valid characters are:
    ( ) [ ] { } ? ! $ % & / = * +

User instructions

  • The newsletter is a voluntary service of HANSAINVEST.
  • The subscription data has been carefully and conscientiously compiled. However, we do not guarantee the accuracy of the subscription data.
  • The transmitted data do not represent a basis for the conclusion of transactions in shares of the HANSAINVEST funds.
  • You can obtain solely authoritative price information from your custodian bank or the HANSAINVEST Customer Service Center.
  • I agree to the data protection conditions for our customers and interested parties.

We assume no liability for the following technical problems:

  • If the newsletter is sent late
  • If the newsletter is not sent at all
  • If the newsletter is sent several times (even on the same day)
  • If the newsletter data is not correct
  • For security reasons, we reserve the right to delete subscribers from the database without giving any reason and to exclude them from further subscription.